Our Purpose
yahchanan lien
Our Purpose
Our Purpose
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Our Purpose
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Our Purpose
I am Yahweh your Father 1. Believe in YAHWEH as the Only Source of Power in the Universe. Exodus 20:2 2. Submit to YAHWEH as the Supreme Head, to be in Unity with YAHWEH. Deuteronomy 6:4 3. Love YAHWEH with all our heart, soul, and might. Deuteronomy 6:5 4. Reverence YAHWEH by keeping HIS Laws.…
Our Purpose
Awesome Opportunity for Life What if you were informed that Jesus/Yahoshua was a black man from the tribe of Yadah, would you still surrender your life to Him and deem Him Son of The Almighty Creator Yahweh? Well, thanks to the wicked biases of King James and His cohorts, Michael Angelo was commissioned to paint…
Our Purpose
Our Purpose
Our Purpose
Our Purpose
The purpose of this ecclesiastical organization is exclusively for charitable, religious, and educational endeavors to encourage and support participation of the fine arts within the spiritually disfranchised; and the mentally, physically and economically challenged communities. Also the organization shall assist disseminating of beneficial news and inspirations; and making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under…
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